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CAU adpr digital 2018. 8. 28. 17:19

디지털 광고홍연구 및 트렌드에 대한 이야기를 나눕니다. 

We review academic research findings and tell stories about current issues in digital strategic communication.


중앙대학교 광고홍보학과 학생과 김유승 교수가 

디지털 마케팅/광고홍보 관련 뉴스와 학술연구를 소개하는 공간입니다.


Students of following advertising courses at Chung-Ang University contribute to this blog:

    • Digital Media Strategy
    • Interactive Brand Communication
    • Measurement Issues in Advertising and PR
    • Digital Analytics




Dr. Yeuseung Kim is an Associate Professor of Advertising in the College of Business and Economics at Chung-Ang University. Her expertise is in measuring advertising effectiveness and designing and conducting studies in consumer psychology. She examines how to better communicate with consumers and what keeps people engaged.